He named it Rehoboth, saying, “Now the Lord has given us room and we will flourish in the land.”
- Genesis 26:22
If you have never had the opportunity to be in a Spirit-filled service before, you will discover that the oldest worship on earth is a brand-new experience for you. When you come to Rehoboth, make yourself at home and join us as we glorify God together.
(RPC-Bahrain) Rehoboth Pentecostal Church emphasizes the Holy Spirit's work, passionate worship, and a personal relationship with God through Christ and spiritual gifts.

We have been serving God’s Purpose in Bahrain since the past decade as a Full Gospel Pentecostal Church. The Church currently has Malayalam and English worship services and we are at the verge of starting Kannada and Hindi services. The combined worship service is held in the main sanctuary at 9:30 AM every Friday.
May our Lord bless his saints and the people of the Kingdom of Bahrain.
Welcoming Community of Faith
Rehoboth Revival Church was started by group of believers as prayer cell on April 14th 2014 at Hamad Town. It soon grew into a Prayer and Praise Fellowship and believers were added on.
Later in 2018, we rented a facility that includes a larger worship hall which is a living testimony of the Lord’s faithfulness and his divine providence. Today we enjoy the freedom to worship our Lord as a Full Gospel Pentecostal Church.
Pastor Joby Thomas was born and brought up in Bangalore. He is a 2nd generation Pastor. His father, Late Pastor Thankachan was one of the Pioneer Pastors in Karnataka who ministered for 38 Years. Now Pastor Joby has been blessed and given the assignment to continue the legacy of his parents.

Our Youths
Empowered Worship Services
Join us for passionate worship, spiritual gifts, and a personal relationship with God.
9:30 Am- 1:00 PM
8:00 PM- 9:30 PM
8:00 PM- 9:30 PM
Cottage Meeting Wednesday
8:00 PM- 9:30 PM
Friday Main Service
Junior Church Thursday
Bible Study Sunday
Ladies Meeting
2nd Saturday
Gents Meeting
1st Monday
8:00 PM- 9:30 PM
8:00 PM- 9:30 PM
Serving Christ’s purpose
We are dedicated to serving in God’s work, seeking to reflect His love and advance His Kingdom here on earth. Every step we take is guided by our desire to fulfill His purpose and bring glory to His name.
Discipleship & Spiritual Growth
We are dedicated to helping believers grow in their faith through God’s Word, prayer, and Christ-centered community—equipping them to live out their calling.
Spreading the Gospel
Youth & Children’s Ministry
We are committed to spreading the Gospel through local outreach and online platforms, reaching hearts and transforming lives worldwide.
We are committed to raising up the next generation through our Junior Church, making them bold disciples who live out their faith and impact the world for Christ.
Experience passionate worship and the transformative power of faith.
Get in Touch
We welcome your inquiries and look forward to connecting with you about our faith and community. Reach out to us anytime!
+973 35354090
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